Nasolabial Filler in Nags Head

The Secret to a Smoother Smile: Nasolabial Fold Fillers

In Nags Head, you can find many reasons to smile. With our abundance of beaches, state parks, and locally owned shops, our town creates daily pleasures by connecting us with nature and community. However, when lines start to appear on your face, especially around your mouth, you might feel less compelled to wear that joy proudly on your face.

As we age, our faces start to show the signs of the sun, wind, and years of life. Luckily, you don’t have to wear the evidence of time gone by! At BeachGlo Aesthetics, we offer nasolabial filler in Nags Head to soften those lines and give you a smoother smile.

If you’re ready to rediscover your youthful radiance and confidence, read on to learn how our facial fillers can help you!

What are nasolabial folds?

Nasolabial folds appear as creases in your skin extending from both sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. We also know them as “smile lines,” because when you’re young, they only appear when you smile or laugh. However, as we age, the lines become more prominent and remain on your face even when it’s relaxed.

Smile lines can result from too much sun, smoking, or weight fluctuations. Sun exposure breaks down collagen and elastin, 2 proteins that give our skin elasticity and structure. But here in Nags Head, we love the beach, so what are we supposed to do?

Nasolabial Fillers

We offer facial fillers to smooth static wrinkles, increase volume in the cheekbones and lips, and add definition to your face. When placed into your cheeks, these hyaluronic acid-based injections by RHA plump the area and smooth those deep smile lines and wrinkles. Giving you a youthful appearance, and more reason to smile in our charming town.

What about sun exposure?

You don’t want to hide from the sun, your source of serotonin and vitamin D. To protect your fillers and your skin, we recommend wearing a daily SPF and reapplying as directed. We offer high-quality SPF moisturizers and other products in our Skin Care Shop. Here, you can find tailored recommendations and advice to help you maintain your skin’s health and appearance.


Reclaim Your Smooth and Bright Smile at BeachGlo

At BeachGlo, we want you to feel confident in your appearance. That’s why we offer nasolabial filler in Nags Head—because we don’t want smile lines to make you frown. If you’re interested in learning more about how dermal fillers can give you a smoother, more youthful complexion, contact us! You can either start with our treatment planner tool or book an appointment to speak with us in person.

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